Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sadly Disillusioned

Melissa, I definitely agree with you that all this controversy over President Obama's origin of birth has turned into a media circus. I understand the concern when he was running for election, but it's a little late to be questioning whether our president has fulfilled the requirements necessary to hold his position in the White House. I mean, we're already looking forward to the 2012 presidential election.

Anyone who is now starting to raise suspicion about Obama's legitimacy as president is a fool, and they are also making fools out of all of us. This is a total waste of energy that our political leaders have invested at a time when our country is in need of some productivity. I believe there is sufficient circumstantial evidence that points to a possible motive behind the whole "birthers" movement.

The so called birthers are comprised mainly of Republican conspiracy theorists who seek to discredit the president in an attempt to gain public support for their campaigns. I find this ironic because the birthers project is a conspiracy in itself. These are the same people who have been criticizing Obama throughout his tenure and planting the seeds of doubt in the minds of Americans. Recent coverage of possible candidates for the next presidential election has put pressure on Republicans not only to argue their strengths as the next president, but also bring attention to reasons why our current president is not fit for a second term.

One aspect of you commentary that I do disagree with Melissa, is your statement that this is an example of innocent until proven guilty. I clearly recognize that President Obama has been labeled as a guilty defendant and has been compelled to provide proof on his behalf in order to protect his name and reputation. Now that Obama has done so, some Republicans are retracting their affiliation.

I have faith that if Obama was not qualified to obtain the role of president, our government has the intelligence and means necessary that would have prevented him from being elected. It's a shame to realize the lengths that people would go to to get ahead.